Tales From the Potting Bench | Starting on the Seeds

Hello there! I know I've been a little quiet recently, I apologise for not being about as much as I'd like. I can't tell you what, but I am working on a very exciting new venture as we speak. It's in the early stages at the moment so I'm all hush hush, but I'll tell you about it in the near(ish) future! It's taking all my spare moments right now so please bear with me... Trust me, it'll be worth it! :)

So back to the seeds... It was a jam-packed weekend our way, which was lovely, but I usually prefer to have one busy, one quiet day at weekends. No such calm showed it's face though, so I hopped up bright and early on Sunday to squeeze in a little time to get my seeds planted, before we were off out again to a Birthday party.
So, if you're thinking of growing from seeds this year, but are a little unsure about what you need, here's what I did...
I bought a few windowsill propagators, and began by lining them with a capillary mat, cut to size.
I then used a good quality compost to fill the trays and pressed the surface down with the back of my hand slightly. I moistened this soil with a little water to get the seeds started.
I did mix a little fish, blood & bone plant food in with the compost, just for good measure. This part is optional, as is the capillary matting.
I then sprinkled my seeds into the tray and covered with some finely sieved compost.
Make sure you follow the instructions on your seed packet for their individual preferences when sowing.
Lastly, I popped on the propagator lids and put them safely on a windowsill that gets plenty of light.
I can't wait to see how these little seeds progress, this is the first year I've grown from seed and I'm oh-so excited!
Have a marvellous week lovelies!

Thank you for stopping by!