February Garden | 2015
I am so pleased that it is time again for my garden diary to begin. I've desperately missed being outside over the last few months and February is when I get back out there, mind whirring, planning how I want it all to look for the next 8 months.
Of course, we are in February, and when the new month arrived, it did bring snow. Cue me shivering on my knees in the garden, macro lens strapped to my phone, trying to get some good shots while the snow fell around me.
Totally worth it!
I was out in the garden last Sunday and it was pleasantly mild... I came in after a few hours pottering, with rosy cheeks and cold legs. But, it was the perfect February weather that allows you to get bits done but reminds you that once the hard work is over, there'll be sunshine and warmth to enjoy.
But first, we have daffodils. And Tulips.
Pansies and primroses.
Slowly but surely, everything is springing back to life and softening the stark landscape with colour.
Although the garden still has it's 'winter scruff,' I love the way that the browns in the garden are now being taken over by greens and whites.
And colour. Real colour. It won't be long until colour is everywhere, in every shade, in every corner.
The garden will once again be alive with beauty, and I really can't wait.
Plus, I will be able to stop wearing scarves, and coats, and gloves...
AND I can garden all day long in a t-shirt.
Whilst getting a tan.
And sipping cold drinks.
Whilst wearing sun glasses.
And eating ice lollies.
And watching the butterflies flutter around...
But of course, there's a lot to do before then. And it's going to be great!
Have a fabulous day,

Thank you for stopping by!