I hope you are all having a wonderful time, whether you're running around for those last little bits, burying yourself in wrapping paper or baking the mince pies.
Today was my baking day, but since I sat down to blog an hour and a half ago, I've had a cat on my lap ever since. (And she's just started snoring again!) This is a very rare move for her so I've been making the most of it... with Christmas classics on the radio and the promise of a cosy pub lunch shortly.
I thought today I'd share with you a collection of snaps I've been taking recently, the sights, tastes and smells of Christmas...
I must say, I'm getting rather excited now! I'll be making a few Christmas biscuits this afternoon, bottling up the Christmas Pudding Vodka for tomorrow and curling up to watch a film this evening. I hope you all have a beautiful day tomorrow, and don't forget to go to bed early so this guy can visit...

Thank you for stopping by!