I saw this list on the lovely Becky's blog (Milk Bubble Tea) and couldn't resist! I'm getting dangerously excited about Christmas this year, I don't know why but I just keep thinking about it way more than I should! So, answering a few questions to kick off the festive excitement is a good way to start!
1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie/s?
My ultimate two films that Christmas isn't right without are The Snowman and The Tailor of Gloucester. My family have watched these every Christmas since I can remember and the Tailor of Gloucester is a very well worn video tape, still going strong! If you haven't heard of it before, look it up, buy it, watch it... It's a Beatrix Potter tale and is simply beautiful.
2. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
Always on Christmas morning! We get up, have breakfast (usually Croissants - does anyone else!?) get showered then open our presents with Christmas music on and the Quality Streets within reach!
3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
Of course! As children my wonderful sister and I would wake at about 6am and argue about who's turn it was to go downstairs and get the stockings from the dining room fireplace. (Downstairs in a dark house was always scary right!?) I'm sure I lost the battle most of the time, being the younger sister and all, so I'd run as fast as I could, grab them and heave them upstairs where we'd open half of them on our beds - then would wake our parents up and finish opening them in their bed.
4. Favourite festive food?
Hot Christmas pudding, with pouring cream and a blob of brandy butter too!
5. Favourite Christmas gift?
Now that is a tough one! I remember having an earring holder in my stocking one year and being absolutely stunned that Santa knew I'd just had my ears pierced! But in terms of a favourite, I could never say as my family have always been so kind and generous that I love everything I've been given.
6. Favourite Christmas scent?
The smell of a real Christmas tree, when you walk into the lounge and the piney scent is always there.
7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
Just generally being with my loved ones and relaxing ready for the following day. Watching the Snowman and the Tailor of Gloucester in the evening, and probably staring at my presents for everyone getting really excited to give them out!
8. What tops your tree?
We had various items - a very old traditional angel, a glittery gold star or since I moved in with P, a hand-tied silver bow made from fabric Christmas ribbon.
9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?
I don't remember - my family were always great, as was Santa ;) I have a feeling a couple of years running I asked for a pony... but what little girl doesn't!?
10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?
Funny how I used to hate going downstairs first and now it's my favourite part of the day in the run up to Christmas!
Have a wonderful day my lovelies, I can't wait to celebrate the festive season with you!

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