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Happy Hallowe'en!

by - Friday, October 31, 2014

Hello and a very happy 'All Hallow's Eve' to you!

I hope everyone is having a lovely day and has a weekend crammed full of spooky activities! As we're a little too old and without any little people in the family, we don't really celebrate Hallowe'en that much, but a tradition that we can enjoy is carving a pumpkin!

So last weekend we curled up on the sofa with the candles lit and the record player turning, and had a jolly old go at carving ours. I went for a classic cat on mine, which didn't take long at all, then happily curled up and fell sleep on the sofa. Meanwhile, P was only half way through his masterpiece (and they always are a masterpiece) and finally woke me up a while after midnight and ushered me up to bed.

It wasn't until the next morning that I saw his finished piece, which to be honest, was quite impressive! A T-Rex on a pumpkin... Makes my cat look quite boring now, eh!?

Oh, it's all good fun!

Our traditional Hallowe'en usually involves having my sister and brother-in-law round for dinner with a warm and cosy menu that leaves us beached on the sofas all night long, and this year won't be any different.

And I can't wait!

Have a fabulous Hallowe'en everyone and I'll see you back here soon with a peek at my autumnal home.

p.s. BOO!

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