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Autumn Jewels & October Hues

by - Friday, October 10, 2014

Autumn Hues

So I think it's safe to say that autumn is well and truly upon us! Of course the brisk, sunshiney days are my favourite, where we can wear scarves and boots but there's not yet a need for proper coats. The wet, dreary days we've had recently haven't been quite so nice, but we just have to appreciate the nicer days more, where the sun streams through the trees, where the leaves are turning amber at the edges, and where the air feels crisp and golden.

Hands Wrapped Around Mug of Cocoa

So in light of embracing October, here a a few snaps from my autumn so far.

I'm loving the copper tones we're seeing a lot of now, inside and out, but my favourite shades so far are the 'autumn jewels' I had on my nails last week (top right). This colour scheme looks great with the seasonal taupes and cheques, blazers and boots. A more subtle approach to the season in gold and bronze, with a leopard feature works beautifully with jeans and jumpers too.

Because it really is fabulous to celebrate the colours of autumn!

Munchkin Pumpkin on Doormat

Pinecones on Country Diary Page

More importantly, I'm bringing autumn into our home, in as many ways as I can think. I've begun collecting pine cones from the front driveway, munchkin pumpkins for our mantel and of course, have dug out the book page wreath I made last year.

Decorating the Home for Autumn

And, naturally, I'm snuggling up in herringbone blazers, comfy denims and endless hot chocolates.

Hands Wrapped Around Mug of Cocoa

Because it really is getting a bit nippy out there!

Munchkin Pumpkins on Doorstep

Have a fabulous Friday my friends, and don't forget you can sign up to our mailing list over on the right to keep up to date with autumn at Badgertails HQ!

Much love,

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