Well good morning to you! I hope you're all doing well. My car decided she wanted the day off today so I've been battling buses and trains and a hell of a lot of frost this morning. However, in between worries as to why the car wouldn't start I've been feeling super grateful for a few particular little things.
Although it's been a bit of an awkward start to the week, watching the frosted fields go past the train window has been a beautiful way to start the day. Everything is white today, and it was all gently illuminated by the pastel shades of the sunrise... Now that's something that will get me smiling!
While you're here, I'll just remind you that voting for the UK Blog Awards is only on for 7 more days. I've had such little free time to promote it but if you want to vote for me you can do so here. You'll make me a very happy badger if you do!
Apart from being a lot, lot colder, the clear blue skies and crisp air has been rather reminiscent of yesterday. The plan was to leave my parents' house mid morning and head back to do the weekend's chores... but it didn't really happen like that! Instead my sister popped round and we went for a long country walk, which quickly became my favourite part of the weekend.

Boy, was it muddy!

But boy, was it a beautiful day!

What's that up there? Oooh! I think it might be SPRING!!!

Sis and I were donning our January sales purchases... we're all totally in love with Joules at the moment.
As it was an impromptu walk, this was the only coat I had with me... but I recommend, if you're going country walking at this time of year, DO NOT WEAR YOUR NEW WHITE GILET!!! I nearly slipped over so many times while trekking through mud and ankle deep puddles... I can't believe we got back completely clean!

We returned home, kicked our boots off and stuck the kettle on. That's one of my favourite things about long country walks... the getting home to a warm and cosy house and wrapping yourself around a wonderful cup of tea.
Oh, the other best bit? Remembering that you always have your wax Barbour in the boot of your car, just in case you decide to go for a walk across the fields...
Thank you for stopping by!