For the Love of Orla

Now, I'm not really a 'product review' kind of blogger... and this isn't so much a product review as a confession of a love affair, that's been going on for quite some time. I remember the first time I set eyes on them that it was going to be a relationship that could only become more addictive as time went on.
And purely because I am so in love, I am going to dedicate a whole post to the beauty of the one and only, Orla Kiely.
When I first started buying her patterns, I made that oh-so important decision to only have a few key pieces and not go overboard for fear of my house looking a little bit crazy.
But, two years on and this Orla thing has become somewhat of an obsession, and if I'm not being given presents from her range, I'm either buying them myself or simply lusting after them until I eventually cave in and get them.
The great thing I've learnt is that her designs are so versatile that even with a colour palette like mine (i.e. white, off-white and pastels) no matter which piece I slip in, or how brightly coloured, it still looks wonderful.

Her patterns inject happiness into every space they grace. They radiate sunshine like you never knew possible and command attention from everyone that passes. A lot of work for one little range but of course, it's all done flawlessly.

Every piece is made seamlessly to the highest standard, and each one oozes care and creativity.

Not only do they ooze care and creativity, they inspire it, too.
Popping this gorgeous radio on in the morning gets you in the perfect mood for starting the day... whilst flicking it on in the evening as you walk through the door is the best way to start a night of solitude and serenity.
...well, it certainly does if the station in question is Classic Fm!

For some time now, an extensive range of Ms Kiely's designs has been taking pride of place in my home. And, if you saw my last post, my wardrobe now, too! This beautiful little radio was a present from my very wonderful P at Christmas, and when I had my camera out recently I decided it was far too beautiful not to share with you all.
I've intentionally kept everything closely cropped today as I don't want to spoil the reveal of the kitchen makeover... that one's on it's way soon!
You can start your own collection of Orla pieces at many stores, but some of my favourite ranges are available from the following:
Pure Evoke Mio Radio - John Lewis - comes in 4 stunning designs
Heattech Tops - Uniqlo - these are now in the sale so get clicking before they're gone!
Storage Jars - Steamer Trading - available nationwide too
Whole Collection - Orla Kiely Website - a wonderful world to lose yourself in!

Have a fab day folks, and I look forward to seeing you back here soon!
Thank you for stopping by!