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The Joys of Summer

by - Thursday, August 15, 2013

Well happy Thursday to you all! I remember posting last October about feeling the change in the weather. I was excited to feel the slight chill in the air that meant Autumn was on it's way. I haven't quite felt that chill yet (luckily) and I hope not to feel it for a long time yet, but the weather has definitely turned colder this last week or so. It's automatically got me planning my tablescapes for Halloween, my recipes for Bonfire Night and my decorations for Christmas. IN AUGUST!

I love planning for the festivities, but really not this early in the year. We're only half way through August which means we still have September before the heat should cool off into Autumn. So please, come back summer! You were running along so nicely, giving us  a scorcher of a July and the rumour of more heat waves to come!

I'm always excited for Autumn but I'm just not quite done with the outside warmth yet. I still long for more:

balmy evenings watering the garden while Roma the cat follows me round with the hose, ducking out the way every time I change flower beds;

early mornings hanging the washing out where it dries within the hour;

afternoons that lull into evenings without us even noticing because the sun is still shining;

simple summer suppers that come with a glass of Pimms as standard;

having a cool shower every morning to feel refreshed and revived;

having the windows and doors wide open all day long and still feeling hot;

listening to the birds and the breeze and feeling simply content;

wearing pretty summer dresses made of the most gorgeous vintage fabric;

the promise of a picnic when we have a spare afternoon;

feeling the hot sun on my bare skin;

but, most importantly;

feeling grateful for each beautiful day that allows us to do nothing more than just be outside. And love it.

Thanks for reading today and fingers crossed for some more balmy weather...
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  1. Agreed. AS lovely as autumn is, we can't wish away summer. Enjoy another Pimms and hang out the washing on the line. We have a few more weeks of summer enjoyment ahead of us!!

  2. I know! I keep getting far too excited about Christmas, too. I think it's about time I had a picnic and remembered to live in the moment! :)


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