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All Hallow's Eve: October Activities

by - Sunday, October 28, 2012

My, my, my! Hasn't it got nippy!? Poor old P is currently out working on the Lambretta, so what else is there to do other than sit out in the cold and keep him company? Stay inside all snuggly, that's what. So that's exactly what I'm doing!

After braving the rain yesterday afternoon to nip round town then get the food shop done, P and I had my sister and her Hubby round for a pre-halloween din dins. They came over at 4pm (and we started on the wine and beer right away!) so our evening literally did last forever. We spent the end of the afternoon playing with the halloween decorations I'd bought, including 6-legged inflatable spiders and way too much of that fake cobweb stuff. The house eventually looked wonderfully spooky and with the fairy lights on (the best way to create instant-cosy) and the candles lit (vanilla & pink dragonfruit scented), we all settled down with chipotle chilli web-shaped pretzels and other ghoulish treats, along with lovely conversation and planning for our Christmas trip to Poland. Big sis and I then disappeared off to the kitchen to make a deliciously autumnal Sausage, Mustard & Apple Tart, followed by what we call Pigeon's Milk for pud. It was divine! If you're intrigued by what this dessert is, do watch this space as I will be posting a recipe for it sometime in the near future, along with the tart. If you're into cosy suppers, it's definitely one for you!

I'm afraid I have not had my camera on me all weekend, so it's just a snap from my phone for you today.

It was a beautiful evening, and now that P and I have peeled ourselves away from our warm bed and tidied last nights remnants away, we've got the house back to feeling comforting and welcoming. I now sit snugly on the sofa with my wool blanket by my side (in case mr weather decides to make it even colder before the 31st), my homely candles lit and the fairly lights casting their little twinkly magic all over the room. And, looking out the window I can see that the pine trees have now got bright red berries on them. I don't know much about pine trees and their yields, but if my hunch is right, they'll still be there by Christmas. Which means, despite sitting amidst fluffy cobwebs with pumpkins all around me, I'm now beginning to plan Christmas decorations and how to incorporate those red berries and pine branches into our soon-to-be festive home.

What are your plans for Christmas? Or perhaps, Halloween? I believe we may be going trick or treating with P's young brother, eating Devilled Chicken and carving these pumpkins. As far as Christmas, again, watch this space.

Much love from my cosy cocoon,

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