So I'll apologise in advance here for having absolutely terrible 'before' shots, I didn't have a chance to take any with this makeover so I've had to trawl through my old iphone albums to find anything that remotely shows how our hallway used to look! You'll have to excuse them as I didn't really know what I was doing back then, and didn't have the tools to do it with, so they're really not the best. And there aren't very many, 'cause I didn't really like to take photos in the hallway, and you'll see why...
The hallway was matte yellow, the stairs were gloss orange and the woodwork was a dirty cream. Everything had marks and stains and it was all just very very tired.
But eventually the old hallway made it's way to the top of the list at the end of last year, and we could finally create an entrance hall that we actually wanted to welcome guests into. And welcome them, it does...
There are decorations from our wedding scattered all over the place and the light spreads itself around more than I ever could have imagined. The lovely, cool, airy colour is Dulux's Clouded Pearl.
I can tell you now, this room looks AMAZING with Christmas lights strung through the length of it. They soften what is a very fresh but cold white and bring warmth and cosyness to the space. I promise I'll show you some pictures when the festive season is upon us once again!
I love this hallway now, it's light, bright and pure. The decorations are simple but remind me of a very special day and it all feels so clean and new. The perfect kind of room to welcome it's newlyweds into their first home together.
The more rooms we get through with the paintbrush, the more I feel like we're finally turning this rented house into a family home that feels inviting and familiar. We've got a few more stops to make with our well-used paintbrush but we really are very nearly there and I can't wait to keep showing you all along the way...

Thank you for stopping by!