Six months ago today I married my soul mate - where has the time gone!?
The first six months for us has admittedly been a bit of a whirlwind - to say we've been put through our paces would certainly be an understatement. Since we returned from the most wonderful 10 days in the Canadian Rockies where we spent the entire time being blissfully happy, we got thrown straight back to one heck of a tough reality - job issues, health issues and losing my lifelong furry best friend, Paddy, meant we've certainly been tested to say the least.
To add to it, we've pretty much had about 2 weeks since Christmas where we haven't had a bad cold - just when I thought it was finally gone, it's come back this week with a vengeance - hence why I'm writing this at 4 am feeling like death warmed up - only with a lot more sniffles than you'd imagine!
The past six months has also had its good moments too, don't get me wrong. I think we fell in love with Canada almost as much as each other and that really was the honeymoon of a lifetime. We both know just how lucky we are to have been able to go somewhere so magical and to do all the wonderful things that we did there. That literally will forever be our favourite place to go - and the memories will stay with us forever.
In the run up to Christmas we enjoyed a wonderful wedding present of an evening at Ronnie Scotts in London to see Georgie Fame, which was an experience I'll not forget for a while! The atmosphere was amazing; sipping cocktails watching a jazz legend in the heart of the West End, dressed to the nines and out 'til the wee hours. I'll also not forget climbing into bed as the sun came up feeling all naughty for being out so late!
Just a few weeks later we had a lovely mid-week shopping trip to Norwich with my parents and spent the night in the gorgeous Dunstan Hall. Everything lit up with fairy lights and people bustling round the shops: I do love Christmas.
In the run up to Christmas we enjoyed a wonderful wedding present of an evening at Ronnie Scotts in London to see Georgie Fame, which was an experience I'll not forget for a while! The atmosphere was amazing; sipping cocktails watching a jazz legend in the heart of the West End, dressed to the nines and out 'til the wee hours. I'll also not forget climbing into bed as the sun came up feeling all naughty for being out so late!
Just a few weeks later we had a lovely mid-week shopping trip to Norwich with my parents and spent the night in the gorgeous Dunstan Hall. Everything lit up with fairy lights and people bustling round the shops: I do love Christmas.
We've also had things like a new job, which is going great, and exciting things at the other, two 'new' rooms in the house since P (+ some amazing family) completely overhauled them so we were finally happy with the entire house. The hallway had a lick of (white!) paint just before Christmas to get rid of the dank yellow and brighten it up, and the bathroom has had a much-needed, complete overhaul, which has consumed most of our lives for the last two months and has the odd bit that's still ongoing. But it is amazing - we have a bathroom that we actually want to be in - sometimes I just go and stand in there for no reason other than to just stare at things. We're so used to the way it looks by now but a part of me still can't quite believe it's the same space. A post on this with some before and afters will follow, of course - along with some snaps of the hallway too as I'm very aware I haven't showed you that yet either!
We then had a very lovely Christmas with a lot of hosting, on Boxing Day for 10 guests and again on New Years Eve for 8 - they were days filled with lots of buffet food, entire (and very well stocked) dessert tables and even our own bar - complete with spangly silver fringing and P as our very own barman! It was unbelievably fast paced but we loved it. We were also lucky enough to have family join us over from Canada - and got to spend a couple of days with them catching up and talking about the future.
P turned 30 back in January and I'd arranged a surprise getaway to Center Parcs in the forest, where we ate birthday pancakes, had a Mad-Men themed party at our villa with cocktails & cake, went out for a fab American dinner, spent hours in the swimming pool & on the rapids, played a lot of adventure golf in the icy wind, discovered a new love of badminton, chilled at the country club over hot chocolate and games of pool, and spent lots of time cuddled up in our warm villa with lovely food and lovely people, snuggled in front of the fire - oh, and feeding the copious amounts of wildlife that came and visited throughout the day!
As I'm sure you've noticed I've got my blogging mojo back, I'm having a lot of fun creating new things and writing bits and pieces for on here as it really is my 'happy outlet.' I'm filling every spare second I get with planning, creating, shooting, editing, writing or scheduling something for the blog so it's pretty all-consuming but it truly is making me very happy indeed.
Things we're looking forward to are my upcoming birthday, Easter and the six days we've got booked off over them, a trip to Devon in May and another to France in July, and then can you believe we're almost back to September!?
And of course I'm looking forward to the little things - spring (hopefully!) getting it's wheels on the ground, getting back out in the garden, summer rolling around and deciding what to do for our first wedding anniversary.
So you could say it's been a tough first six months, but you could also say it's been amazing, with things very much put in place for our future together. We said for better or worse and we're definitely learning what that really means, but as long as we stick by each other I know we can get through anything and everything - together.
Have a wonderful day everyone and a very happy 6 month anniversary to my wonderful husband that's been there by my side every step of the way. I love you more than words can say and can't wait for the rest of our lives together! xxx

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