April & May Garden | 2015
Wow... it's nearly June! And I'm very aware I haven't posted a garden update since March... *hangs head in shame*
Of course, everything wedding related is full steam ahead now so my evenings and weekends are taken up by a lot of things that don't involve blogging... I'll be very grateful when I've got a bit more time on my hands to be writing again!
So, in fear of my April garden disappearing from existence, here's an update from the last two months; April & May...

My Hydrangeas aren't really out yet... every year I buy indoor ones that Homebase have greatly reduced due to their flowers finishing, and so I harden them off throughout April for them to then take up residence in the garden. All the Hydrangeas I have started life this way and I've never had to pay full price for them!

I must admit I missed my chance to capture the apple blossom at it's best... It was absolutely stunning, in full blossom around four weeks ago. Which was also the week that we had the non-stop storms and heavy rain, and all my lovely apple blossom ended up on the grass within two days!

Remember my Dicentra Spectabilis from last year? I actually gasped a little bit at how small it was, looking back! And I'm definitely stunned at how much it's grown since. Only a year later, it's about five times the size and commanding centre stage in the garden!

And, seeing as it's that second May bank holiday time, I spent all of Saturday afternoon putting in my bedding plants. I think there may still be some spaces that need them though, so it's not all over yet!
Have a fabulous week my friends, and I'll see you again soon.
Much love,

Thank you for stopping by!