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March Favourites | 2015

by - Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Morning morning morning!

And of course, pinch punch, first of the month!

I thought I'd share with you some of my favourite snaps from the last month, most of which you can keep up to date with if you follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

Ever since it became warm enough to hang the washing outside, it's become a regular routine of mine to be out there hanging it up every chance I get. And having fresh flowers in the house all the time has begun again. It feels wonderful!

I've been painting a lot recently, and am absolutely loving it. It makes me so calm and relaxed, and is a very good way to keep me quiet for an evening!
The house has been full of daffodils this month, I just can't get enough of their happy, sunshiney faces! And hot cross buns... yum.
Oh, and I had a birthday, too! Twenty-five... wooaahhh. I'm a big girl now!
With the birthday came a very patient non-HP supporting fiancé taking me to the Harry Potter Studio Tour in Watford. A very good day indeed, and yes, the butterbeer is AMAZING!
What wedding diet?
I was a very lucky, very spoilt birthday girl! I was given a new, very big BiOrb for my ever-growing fantails, so we couldn't resist getting a teeny tiny, shiny new little friend for them to play with now they've got all that extra room!
Ohh... the leftover birthday tea party snacks are still knocking around the house. I am trying my best to sort that out though...
And on that very colourful, very beautiful note, I wish you all a marvellously happy April and a glorious SUMMERTIME!!!

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