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A Splash of Winter Colour

by - Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Good morning friends!

Our weather here in the East is just beginning to warm up, very very slightly. But with another month 'til the start of spring, and the chill of last week's snow still running through my fingers, I thought it best to share a bit of bright winter colour that is currently brightening my days.

This beautiful display sits just beside my front doorstep, and was a thank you gift from my Aunty that she gave me before Christmas. And it really is beautiful. I've been desperately missing the summer recently, I think the cat has too; we both keep finding ourselves staring out of the windows longingly wishing the garden was warm and pretty once more!

I'm ready for summer too. I'm ready for colour everywhere, for warm sun on my skin and for lazing around in the garden sipping icy drinks.

And pottering about in the garden. And doing photoshoots in the garden. And blogging in the garden.

I just want to be, in the garden!!

Have a glorious day lovely people, may it always be a bright one.

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