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Rosemary & Rose

by - Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Badgertails ~ Homemaker: Pink and Orange Roses in White Urn
Hello there and good morning to you!

I hope everyone had a marvellous long weekend. I've been a very busy bee, and the garden is finally now showing some lovely summer progress.

On Sunday I ended up obliviously gardening for 9 hours straight, and didn't realise until I came inside at 9.30pm that I had only stopped once all day, just long enough to devour some pate on toast. The fact I could barely walk by the time I climbed the stairs to bed tells you a little about how much work the garden needed!

Yesterday was the same sort of thing that ended with me staring at my dishevelled reflection in the mirror before bed, eyebrows raised at the hefty amount of compost I found in my hair. Well, that's gardening in the pouring rain for you, I suppose... but it had to be done!

Badgertails ~ Homemaker: Pink and Orange Roses in White Urn

Badgertails ~ Homemaker: Pink and Orange Roses in White Urn

But like I said, I've finally got it back to 'summer garden' status, which is a very wonderful thing indeed.

Badgertails ~ Homemaker: Pink and Orange Roses in White Urn

Everything is tidy, nothing is overgrown / where it shouldn't be / taking over the garden anymore and it feels glorious.

Badgertails ~ Homemaker: Pink and Orange Roses in White Urn

Badgertails ~ Homemaker: Pink and Orange Roses in White Urn

And by the time I've finished my working week, it'll all need doing again! *runs for the hills*

Badgertails ~ Homemaker: Pink and Orange Roses in White Urn

So I just wanted to start the week with some lovely hand-picked goodies. Four different varieties of rose, delicate white alliums from last October's bulbs, and a few sprigs of Rosemary, just because.

Badgertails ~ Homemaker: Pink and Orange Roses in White Urn

Badgertails ~ Homemaker: Pink and Orange Roses in White Urn

It's a bit of a fruit-salad explosion of colour but it's summery and I love it. It makes a very welcome change to have fresh cut flowers in the kitchen again.

Have a fabulous week my friends and I shall see you soon, with some pictures of my May garden...

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  1. Oh how lovely! I like the fruit salad look! I can't wait to see all the work you've done!

    1. Thanks lovely Heather! I shall be posting it very soon! x

  2. The flowers are gorgeous! I love the colours i just wish my dog was a little more considerate of my desire to have a beautiful garden to spend hours in, instead he's taken to digging holes in my ever empty flower beds haha

    1. Thanks Tash! But trust me, my cat does her absolute best to ruin the garden, it is quite the struggle but it's worth it when all the flowers come out!


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