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March Garden | 2014

by - Monday, March 17, 2014

Hello and happy spring to you all!
And happy St Patrick's Day too, of course!

I hope you've all had a wonderful weekend. I feel so grateful to have had such magnificent weather for it. Flowers are popping up in the garden at an alarming rate, so I grabbed my camera on Saturday afternoon and had a warm waltz around while snapping away.


Pulmonaria - a bee favourite!

White blossom - a me favourite!

I picked up this fab little sign while we were in Scotland recently, my family nickname has always been Dot so I couldn't resist!

The Hydrangeas are coming along nicely. Don't those bold, bright hues of green and blue just take you back to the height of a sweltering summer? They do me! I guess a reminder of the lush green lawn holding a vibrant blue paddling pool - those young, balmy summer days, where your biggest worry was your ice lolly melting too quickly in the heat. Oh, to go back to those moments, just for an hour or two...

Anyway, back to the here and now! Or more specifically, the Daffodils & Tulips we planted in Autumn last year. I'm loving looking out the kitchen window and seeing these perky golden daffs smiling back at me. The tulips are on their way... Oh, how I love this time of year!

And last but not least (most definitely not least!) is the Forsythia. Stretching up to the cerulean sky and letting us know; spring is upon us.

And oh, how it is! I sat in the garden and had lunch yesterday, thinking about the tubers and herbs and bedding plants that I want to start on... then I remembered it's only March. I must restrain myself, else that ol' Jack Frost will come and haunt me!

But it really was a wonderful weekend.

I began mine with Saturday morning shopping, afternoon gymming (yes I'm back - and so is the burn!) shooting in the garden, dinner and a sleepover at my parents', then gardening on Sunday, alongside washing my car (and getting the soft top out!) styling my Easter Decorating shoot and cooking / baking two glorious new recipes. (Watch this space!)

Boy, was it a good'un! I hope your week is off to a good start and I look forward to seeing you back here soon...

p.s It's my birthday this week! Yippee! :D

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  1. Beautiful garden and beautiful pictures! I love spring. :) Thank you for posting. Gentle Joy

    1. Thanks so much Gentle Joy! I love it too! :) x

  2. Gorgeous garden! I know I am trying to restrain myself from planting anything right now, we had another cold snap last night! I can't wait to see what you plant when it warms up a bit!

    1. Hi Heather, thanks so much! Last week was quite cold here too, I'm so desperate to get more plants in! I can't wait to see what I plant either... I'm itching to get to the garden centre! Thanks for stopping by. :) x


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