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Homemaker Tips | #1: Getting the Most from Your Clothes Airer ~ JOIN IN!

by - Thursday, February 13, 2014

washing drying laundry homemaking tips

Hi there! I hope you're all keeping well.

Today I'm just stopping by to launch a new series on the blog: Homemaker Tips!

I realised recently that the things we do around the house are simply second nature to us, but a lot of them will be nifty little nacks we've developed to make the housework simpler. And I thought it's a good opportunity to share them with others, as I know how creative you all are!

And because I adore hearing from you lovelies, I'd like to make this a regular installation on the blog, where I can not only share my own tips, but I can hear yours too.

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So I'll start my Homemaker Tips #1 with my little washing trick!

~ Save valuable space on your clothes airer for larger items by clipping pegs onto the frame - you can then hang smaller or more delicate items from these to extend your drying space!

A simple tip, but I really find it a life saver when tackling the mounds of washing at home!

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If you're joining in with my Homemaker Tips, be it on here, your own blog, or social media, please use the hashtag #badgertailshomemakertips and tag me @badgertails +Badger tails because I'd love to hear your tips too!

You can find me using the pink social bubbles at the top of the sidebar, and please share this using the buttons below! :D

Much love & I hope you can join me,

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  1. Loved your tip today! I am always running out of space on my drying rack. I visited today from Time Travel Thurs. Enjoy the day!

    1. Hi there, thanks so much! I'm glad someone has found my tip useful! :) Have a wonderful day too. :) X


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