As you may have seen in my last post, we went for Sunday lunch last weekend, followed by a nice round of conker foraging in the afternoon. This is something my sister and I always used to do as children, and something I intend to carry on for mine in the future. That excitement of finding the shiniest, smoothest, most perfect conker has never quite left me and it really is one of life's simple pleasures.
So P and I popped over to Chestnut Avenue not far from our home and came back with quite a collection! I can't remember what I used to do with my treasured finds as a child but I've got big plans for our gorgeous hoard this time.
As the blog has really taken off this year, and this being my first autumn in my own house, I intend to decorate our home to the nines for every season I can! And of course, I will be telling you all about it along the way.
This fab conker collection we've accumulated is going to be divided amongst bowls, hung with ribbon and lit with candles.
Along with berries and branches of seasonal goodness, to decorate each shelf, snug and sill. Hopefully filling the house with the scent of warm, hearty dinners too.
I, of course will be enjoying every second of autumn fashion...
And autumn light...
And oh! The scenery.
Just wonderful!
Tonight we've got P's young brother over for the night, and tomorrow my sis and brother in law for yummy autumn food and another sleepover. It's setting out to be a busy weekend and I can't wait! I am planning tomorrow's menu as we speak and I have a feeling it may be making an appearance on here before long, too.
So until then!
Have a fabulous weekend, whatever you are up to.
Thank you for stopping by!