I know it's somewhat frowned upon in Britain to like the rain, but every now and then we get the kind of rain shower that makes everything feel fresh and clean, which I really love. It's only on occasion these showers occur, those heavy droplets pounding down that soak you in the five seconds you're out from under your brolly. They usually only last a short while but boy, do they work fast while they're here.
Then everything is calm. The only sound is that of the petals and leaves, desperately trying to shake off the heavy droplets then bouncing back to normal as each drop flops reluctantly to the ground. The weight is lifted and gone.
But there's an atmosphere. A soft, dewy, peaceful sense of relief that all is clean and pure once again. And the smell, oh, the smell! Fragrance companies can try all they like but they will never be able to bottle the scents of an August garden after the rain. The roses smell more perfumed, the grass smells fresher and the air smells simply cooler. It's nature.
And you know you're one of the few people to enjoy this precious moment because most living things have run for shelter and are no longer making their everyday sounds and scuffles.
No pottering, no chores, no talking.
Just silence. Just you. Just nature.
And it is simply beautiful.
Never forget to appreciate this world because it can be utterly breath-taking. Have a wonderful day my friends, and I'll see you back here with a new recipe fairly soon.
Thank you for stopping by!