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A Phrase or Two #3

by - Monday, July 22, 2013

Well hello there!
I hope you've all had a fabulous weekend. As you may have seen if you follow me on Instagram, we had a hard and busy day in the garden yesterday, and knocked out one of my negative points about the space. AND it was the worse negative point out of the few I have with the garden, AND it's now sorted! I'm so happy but it hasn't quite sunk in yet.

I shall be posting about that in a few days time, but I want to wait until the new plants have settled a bit before I photograph them.

So, I'm going to rekindle something I started a hec of a long time ago, which is my 'Phrase or Two' posts, where I choose the words that are currently making me happy, for whatever reason. I really should make a more regular thing out of this, because it's a really nice feeling to have a few words in my day that make me smile.

Today, my phrase is this:

home time.

And boy, do I love it. Home really is the best place to be.

Have a lovely evening folks!

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